March 27, 2008

Here is the Deal

So I emailed the guy and he said send one back, he thinks he has a right laying around... It better be in good shape cause thats what I paid for. So I couldn't decide which one to keep because the one that the electrical workings looked good had some small defects in the chrome, but the one with the ugly looking electrical stuff had really nice chrome on the outside. I settled this by hooking them up to a battery. The results being that the one that I thought would work with the really nice electrical set up, did not work. So that one is going back. Glad I am not stuck with one that doesn't work.
Today I am going to take a fender off and try to start patching the hole of the old turn signal. This is going to be interesting. 

March 25, 2008


So I received the OG turn assemblies in the mail today and I took them out to take a look. I then realized that this guy sold me two signals for the same side. Perfect, since I never turn right! So now I don't know what to do. I sent him a check and he has responded to my email. Granted he usually takes two days to respond to emails. I am not pleased.

March 19, 2008


So I am waiting on my new turn signals to come. It's been like 3 weeks almost since I sent the check. I feel like this is taking forever and I wish they would just come. Once they arrive I will place the order for all my new rubber and interior and a few other things. I am going to order from Jbugs. I am worried that I will forget something. But hopefully I can get a bunch of it on friday given that my signals show up in the next two days, and then once its all painted and I start putting everything back together I determine what else needs to be replaced. I just want to drive it around again.

March 13, 2008


I will be honest. I am so excited and looking forward to getting my car done and my stereo in that I have already created numerous playlists specifically for cruising in my volkswagen. Depending on my mood I will determine what I want to listen to. I have five playlists. Just can't wait.  

March 8, 2008

Caps of Hubs

So today I was sitting around and thinking, I should do something with my car. I started sanding the interior and was quickly bored of it seeing how I just finished the sanding on the exterior. I looked around and realized that I have two cans of paint that I should play with. I painted the inside of the door and the underneath area of the back seat. I was pretty excited about it. I then felt my nearly empty can and realized that I should save some for my rims. My brother and I a while back thought about painting the VW on the hub cap with the white and blue colors of the body paint. So from there I went with it cause I was on a roll. I first sanded it a bit so the paint would stick to the chrome, then painted it white, didn't wait long enough, taped the white off, painted the blue, and then took the tape off along with some white paint (oh well, it is just practice). Thats that. I like the way it looks. I figure I will take a bit more time and try a bit harder and do my 4 nice hub caps for a finishing touch. What do you think?

March 6, 2008

Battery Pan

The battery pan was rusty. Probably the worst on the car, but that isn't saying much seeing how there is practically no rust. It wasn't rusted through or anything. I just took a grinder to it and painted it. A few months ago I bough a sealed battery so I don't see myself having any more rust issues. As long as I stay in Arizona that is. 

New Colour

I am 95% sure that this will be my new color combo. L-282 Lotus White, which was used on classic type-1s and type-2s, and L-50A Bahia Blue. Now this color I am not as sure about. At Sherwin-Williams it was on an old book, they had the paint chip on an old VW/Audi page. Maybe it was more of an Audi color but I haven't been able to find it online. I don't care too much. I had two cans of paint mixed up to make sure these are the colors I want. My original color was L-50B Diamond Blue, so they are fairly close. Bahia is a bit darker which I think fits better with the late, "fatty" body style such as mine. So here is a little sample I sprayed on a piece of wood. Tell me your thoughts. I am thinking about maybe just going with the original two tone paint scheme, instead of bringing it down lower. I don't know, but I will figure it out soon. At least I have the colors picked. Sorry the picture is a little dark, I took a picture in the sun but it was just shinny and you couldn't see any colors, it just blinded the observer.

Pan Pics

Before, this first picture is after the rust was worked out and right before I painted it.
This second picture is after I painted. Looks pretty good to me.

Cleaned Pan

I am done cleaning the pan. I figure I ground and sanded down all the rust I could without grinding through the metal, and I painted it with some rust eliminating black primer. I am going to cover it all with new heat and sound insulation anyway so what is the point of making it perfect and I think its basically there anyway. But you tell me. Notice the rust on the passenger side. The driver side had already been worker on in this picture. 

March 5, 2008

Expectations and Update

I just made the order for some NOS bullet front turn signals. My hope is that they fit perfectly. I have seen it done in pictures but never in person. I also got some scrap metal to patch my old holes from my old turn signals. Once this is done I will take it to the paint shop to get it painted, hopefully by the end of March or beginning of April. The interior is completely ripped out, the trim is shaved, and the body is ready to go. I need to get rid of the surface rust where they battery is sitting and paint the floor pan and some things in the inside. I feel as soon as I get my lights, an order will be placed for my interior kit, rubber kits, and other little things that I need to get. As soon as I get it back from the paint shop, I will slam it, and put everything back together and be on my way. Sounds easy but I am sure there are going to be a number of hold ups.

March 4, 2008

Wet Sand

No, we weren't on a beach. The body work and sand is basically done. After months of work I am finished. My brother and I hit it hard this weekend and finished it up. After the 400 grit wet sanding we wiped the car down and took it out in the sun to try and find any imperfections that I may have missed. We found a few, hence I am not totally finished. We found one on the drivers side fender, very small, one little ripple in the hood, also very small, and 6 ripples on top. The ripples on top were so hard to see that I don't think I am going to mess with them. This, I have multiple reasons for.
1. You could only see them when it was wet and at just the right angle and look extremely hard. 
2. If I bondo it, I very well will make them worse. 
3. I am going to be painting the top an off white which is a color that does not show dents very easily. 
Yesterday I filled the dent on the hood and the fender. Today I will spot sand them and take them all the way down to 400 grit wet, take it back out in the sun and make sure its perfect. I have to say, I am fairly impressed with myself, being my first time. 
Also I am not done because I just bought some bullet turn signals from the earlier type-3s. Meaning that I need to buy some sheet metal and weld in a patch over the old holes, grind and bondo, sand, finish sand, and install the new signals. This will take some time I guessing, see how I have never done it before. Wish me luck. 
Here is my brother working and wet sanding while I stood around. This happened a lot because I am tired of sanding.

All Heat/Sound

All the heat and sound insulation is now out. Everything is out. Just the other day I tore the last of it out on the engine deck lid. As I did this I noticed a large bump coming up from the engine on the deck lid, from further investigation I determined that whoever hooked up the carbs when the conversion from FI was done jimmy rigged the throttle set up and in order for it to fit, had to dent the lib upward. Now I am faced with another situation, do I leave it as is, or do I purchase the correct set up and pound the bump back down? Something to think about I suppose. In the mean time I have a bit more work to do.