March 4, 2008

Wet Sand

No, we weren't on a beach. The body work and sand is basically done. After months of work I am finished. My brother and I hit it hard this weekend and finished it up. After the 400 grit wet sanding we wiped the car down and took it out in the sun to try and find any imperfections that I may have missed. We found a few, hence I am not totally finished. We found one on the drivers side fender, very small, one little ripple in the hood, also very small, and 6 ripples on top. The ripples on top were so hard to see that I don't think I am going to mess with them. This, I have multiple reasons for.
1. You could only see them when it was wet and at just the right angle and look extremely hard. 
2. If I bondo it, I very well will make them worse. 
3. I am going to be painting the top an off white which is a color that does not show dents very easily. 
Yesterday I filled the dent on the hood and the fender. Today I will spot sand them and take them all the way down to 400 grit wet, take it back out in the sun and make sure its perfect. I have to say, I am fairly impressed with myself, being my first time. 
Also I am not done because I just bought some bullet turn signals from the earlier type-3s. Meaning that I need to buy some sheet metal and weld in a patch over the old holes, grind and bondo, sand, finish sand, and install the new signals. This will take some time I guessing, see how I have never done it before. Wish me luck. 
Here is my brother working and wet sanding while I stood around. This happened a lot because I am tired of sanding.

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